
The best way to shape the legal future is to create it at Cresco.

We are creators.

We believe vision and entrepreneurship can help steer our society. At Cresco, we want to contribute by anticipating on the legal issues entrepreneurs encounter while shaping our future.

We are driven by

Cresco focuses on what entrepreneurs need. It anticipates possible issues and finds pragmatic solutions for risks and legal matters.

We are a team.

We believe the team is greater than the sum of its parts and that mul­ti­lay­ered hier­ar­chies are a thing of the past. We provide for a secure and flex­i­ble learn­ing envi­ron­ment that enables personal growth, enhancement of your legal skills and your abilities to solve real (business) world problems.  

At Cresco everything revolves around assisting clients to grow through collaboration, which is a highly positive and motivating environment to venture in.

Emma De Brabandere, Associate

We are looking for

Marketeer (3/5) tijdelijke opdracht
Commercial IT/IP associate with 2 - 3 years experience
Corporate associate with 3 - 9 years experience
Even when no spe­cif­ic vacan­cy is list­ed on this site and you are inter­est­ed in con­tribut­ing to the growth of the Cresco sto­ry, please do not hes­i­tate to get in touch with us.