legal updates

Expertise – legal updates
14 March 2021

Ever thought about registering a TradeMark?

The European Commission and EUIPO recently launched “IP Vouchers” entitling SME’s to a partial refund of a trademark-application tho...
20 April 2020

Social distancing trademarks: an inventive or risky response to COVID-19?

The recent worldwide COVID-19 outbreak causes people to radically change behavior and habits in an attempt to flatten the curve as q...
18 March 2020

COVID-19 and its repercussions on existing contracts: can you invoke force majeur?

On 12 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) categorized the outbreak of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) as a pandemic. The impact o...
6 September 2019

The new Act of April 4, 2019

The new Act of 4 April 2019 relating to abuses of economic dependence, unlawful clauses and unfair market practices between companie...
21 May 2019

Dwingende bepalingen vanaf 1 januari 2020

Hieronder gaat een overzicht van de dwingende bepalingen die vanaf 1 januari 2020 automatisch van toepassing zijn. 1. Benamingen en ...
21 May 2019

Het nieuwe Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen: wat verandert er voor u?

1. Inleiding Op 1 mei 2019 treedt het nieuwe Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen in werking. Het gaat om de grootste wijzigi...
17 April 2019

Trade secrets, tips and considerations

Ever wondered which recipe gives Coca-Cola its specific taste or which formula is needed to make the unique Chanel No. 5 scent?...
14 January 2019

The UBO Register: time to take action

As of 31 March 2019, all ultimate beneficial owners of Belgian legal entities must be registered in the new Ultimate Beneficial Owne...
28 November 2018

The new Insolvency Code: overview of the most important changes from a debtor perspective

As of 1 May 2018, a new Insolvency Code has entered into force, applicable to insolvency proceedings initiated after this date. The...
18 September 2018

The importance of (drafting) workable non-compete and non-solicitation clauses

SME’s (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) have always constituted a substantial and even fundamental part of Belgium’s economy, whi...
16 August 2018

The Brussels International Business Court (BIBC): a new forum for international commercial dispute resolution

The recovery of international commercial debts, nor the resolution of international (commercial) disputes has ever been easy, but wi...
14 May 2018

Ever heard about the Belgian national Pledge Register? It might be useful for your current financing needs!

Recently (at the beginning of 2018) the new Belgian pledge act entered into force, opening new opportunities to finance and secure c...