Unlocking Big Data in Healthcare – Future options
De Covid-19 pandemie heeft de focus van de EU op haar strategie voor de Europese gezondheidsunie versneld met haar meest recente wetgevingsvoorstel, het EHDS, dat in mei 2022 werd gelanceerd. Tijdens een webinar op 16 maart (9.00-11.00u) lichten Olivier Van Raemdonck en Marie Vercambre de belangrijkste aspecten van de voorgestelde verordening doornemen en toelichten waarom deze van […]
Webinar: Challenging financing climate – Alternatives to equity funding
In the current financial climate it has become increasingly difficult to raise venture capital financing. The bull was replaced by a bear and the crash of public and private tech stocks has a significant impact on the availability of venture capital, going from abundance to scarcity. If you’re a start-up or scale-up in need of funding, now is the right […]
Webinar – Insights in IP monetization and strategic collaborations
There are many methods to generate profit from intellectual property, each of which requires a unique combination of talents and competencies. With the advent of new rules and more competition in the IP market, monetizing IP is becoming a more difficult endeavour.