Emilie Praet

Emi­lie Praet is a managing asso­ciate of Cresco with a focus on dispute resolution. She spe­cial­izes in com­mer­cial, cor­po­rate and IP/IT lit­i­ga­tion and advis­es on a wide range of domes­tic and inter­na­tion­al clients on share­hold­ers dis­putes, direc­tors’ lia­bil­i­ty, IP/IT relat­ed top­ics and all types of com­mer­cial dis­putes. Her prac­tice ranges from pre-lit­i­ga­tion advice and set­tle­ment nego­ti­a­tions to rep­re­sen­ta­tion before Bel­gian courts and arbi­tral tribunals.

Emilie also assists clients in a wide variety of corporate matters, such as venture capital and other strategic partnerships, and offers wider oper­a­tional legal support.

Emilie’s expertises

business law
commercial contracting
commercial dispute resolution
corporate dispute resolution
insolvency & restructuring counselling
market practices
risk management & conflict counselling
tech contracting
tech & IP dispute resolution
venture capital